The Sheet Laminator has the following components:
A Top Sheet Feeder with Stack Elevator
A Bottom Sheet Feeder with Stack Elevator
An Adhesive Applicator
A Sheet Merger
A Discharge Conveyor
A Sheet Stacker with Stack Elevator
It is a robust machine designed for industrial use. It also features adjustability for different size sheets and sheet thickness, quick changeovers, and operator friendly operation.
Top of Stack Feeders
Palletized Stacks or Manually Loaded
Speed - 100 sheets per minute, typical
Flexograpihc Adhesive Applicator
Magnetic Blanket Cylinder for Pattern Blanket
Adhesive Pan or Enclosed Doctor Blade
Easy Adhesive Cleanup
Finished Board Stacker onto Pallet
Adjustable Stack Joggers
Designed for Quick and Easy Changeover
PLC Controlled with Touchscreen HMI
Watch the Sheet Laminator Video
- This Sheet Laminator uses an adhesive to laminate two chipboard sheets together. The machine contains two sheet feeders with stack elevators that accept a 48 inch tall stack of sheets, a flexographic adhesive applicator, sheet merger with compression roller and a sheet stacker. The machine produces 100 sheets per minute.